Project: SociaLite

SociaLite is a desktop app designed to better connect social media users with their contacts. It is a Java based Command Line Interface (CLI) program with added JavaFX UI.

Below is a summary of my contributions:

New Features

  • Added the ability to add short Remarks to each contact, with a 150-character limit

Impact: Allows users to better identify their contacts when storing them.

  • Added the ability to find contacts via names, tags and/or social platforms.

Impact: Allows the user to effectively and efficiently manage a large network of contacts.

Most of my feature contributions were for the Find Command, this is because there are many sub-functionalities for Find, for example, needing to properly implement partial matching for names and tags, and ensuring improper social media platforms are handled.

Improved Features

  • Improved test coverage of SociaLite’s codebase overall by 10+%, mainly for various classes under logic and ui.

  • Improved CSS and appearance of SociaLite’s UI from the base address book UI.

Code contributed: RepoSense link

Miscellaneous Team-Based Tasks:

  • Assisted in product demo for the app (for both CS2101 and CS2103T)

  • PRs reviewed: 23 in total, most with minor comments or improvements to the code changes.

  • Reported 4 bugs for another team during PE-Dry Run.


User Guide:

  • Added Use Cases and functionality for Find Command

Developer Guide:

  • Added UML Diagram for Find Command and basic structure + functionality information

  • Updated Logic UML Diagrams

  • Conversion and Submission of Final DG PDF